# Symbol

A symbol store code and precision of the token amount.

It is important to note that smart contracts view token amounts as raw values without decimals. Take for example XPR with precision 4. A symbol representing 1.2345 XPR would have an amount value of 12345.

# Constructors

  • constructor(
      name: string="", 
      precision: u8=0

    name - The symbol code of the token.

    Example: XPR 

    precision - The number that indicates the precision for current amount

    Example: 4 


      import { Symbol } from 'proton-tsc'
      const symbol = new Symbol("XPR", 4)

  • static fromU64(value: u64): Symbol

    Creates new symbol from u64 number


      const symbol = Symbol.fromU64(1380997124)
      // XPR,4

# Instance Methods

  • fromU64(value: u64): Symbol

    Creates new symbol from u64 number.


    const symbol = new Symbol("XUSDC", 6);
    const new_symbold = symbol.fromU64(1380997124);
    print(symbol.toString()); // 4,XPR
  • getSymbolString(): string

    Returns the symbol code


    const symbol = new Symbol("XUSDC", 6);
    print(symbol.getSymbolString()); // XUSDC
  • code(): u64

    Returns the code of the symbol as u64 number


    const symbol = new Symbol("XUSDC", 6);
    printui(symbol.code()); // 288909120856,
  • precision(): u8

    Returns the precision of the symbol


    const symbol = new Symbol("XUSDC", 6);
    printui(symbol.precision()); // 6,
  • isValid(): bool

    Checks the symbol is valid

  • toString(): string

    Returns the symbol as a string in format precision,symbol


    const symbol = new Symbol("XUSDC", 6);
    print(symbol.toString()); // 6,XUSDC

# Static Methods

  • static function eq(a: Symbol, b: Symbol): bool

    Checks that two symbols are equal

    Throws if:

    • Symbols do not match
  • static function neq(a: Symbol, b: Symbol): bool

    Checks that two symbols are not equal

    Throws if:

    • Symbols are equal
  • static function lt(a: Symbol, b: Symbol): bool

    Checks that the symbol a is less than b

    Throws if:

    • Symbols a is greater or equal b